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CANbox® = 双CAN转WLAN转换器

CANbox® 可以通过一个或两个 CAN 接口发送和接收 CAN 数据,添加时间戳,缓冲数据并通过 WLAN 和 LAN 无线传输。CANbox® 只能配置为接受特定标识符(接受过滤器)。CANbox® 可以在 –20 至 +70°C 的温度范围内工作。


CANbox® = Dual CAN to WLAN Converter
The CANbox® can send and receive CAN data via one or two CAN interfaces, add a time stamp, buffer the data and transmit them wirelessly via  WLAN respectively LAN. The CANbox® can be configured only to accept specific identifiers (acceptance filter). The CANbox® can operate in a temperature range from –20 to +70°C.
